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Administration Plus

An Advanced Unreal Engine Administration Plugin

Administration Plus:

A Comprehensive Player Management System for Unreal Engine 5

Core Features / Functions


Administration Plus is your all-in-one solution for effective game administration, combining a powerful reporting system with advanced player management tools. Designed for multiplayer games, this system allows administrators to effortlessly monitor, manage, and moderate player activity. With intuitive interfaces, real-time reporting, and customizable management options, you can maintain a safe and fair gaming environment. Whether you need to track player behaviour or implement penalties, Administration Plus provides the robust tools you need to keep your community thriving.

Core Functions: ( Administration Plus: Comprehensive Player Management System )


  • Spawn objects/actors in-game at runtime via an in-game admin menu.
  • Ban/kick players from a session
  • Show player tags / names above there heads and hide tags.
  • Fly mode / noclip around and toggle back to character mode.
  • View player information at runtime, such as (player location information, player name, player UID/code)
  • Teleport to a player and bring a player to you / teleport to me.
  • View player data at run-time and clipboard it for easy copy/paste functionality.
  • Manage/View players via a player list by name or ID.

Code Modules: (Please include a full list of each Plugin module and their module type (Runtime, Editor etc.))

  • Runtime
  • Editor
  • Packaged builds
  • Networked - Multiplayer
  • Development Platforms: Windows

Technical Documentation

The system has been designed in a way that everthing is simplifed we have used a minimal ammount of widgets and assets to keep everything contained and small in size, if you have any questions regarding how somthing works that isnt mentioned within this documentation please contact us via support on this website.

How do I add items to the spawn menu?

Go the following file path Plugins/CoreAdmin/Content/BP/Widgets/WG_AdminMain.uasset and open the widget and add your item actors to the actor list variable by clicking the + and then selecting the actor you wish to add into the admin spawn menu.

How do become an admin?

Currently who ever hosts the session is the admin, however you can easily add a password to let others login as admin.

How do I open the admin menu as the session host?

Press the "T" key

How do become an admin?

Currently who ever hosts the session is the admin.

How do unban a player?

Visit the banned list and click the [Remove] on the player you wish to unban from the session